Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brady's Birth Story

On October 16th at 5:18pm Brady joined our world. Here is his story.
On this day at 1:00pm Dr. Jadi broke my water. Immediately he offered me an epidural. I took the drugs with an open back. I hadn't felt any pain as of yet, but I didn't want to either. Then I was given Petocin (sp?) to bring on contractions. I started to dialate quickly. At 5:00pm I was fully dialated. I pushed maybe 7 times and Brady was born at 5:18pm. I experienced no pain! Brady made my pregnancy hard, but his birth was awesome! The emotions that run through your body when the little angel is put on your chest are impossible to describe! Brady cried immediately and looked at me just minutes after birth. The nurses left him on me for about 20 minutes before weighing him and checking him out. I had the best birth experience that any mother could wish for. Brennan's mom, my mom, and Brennan were in the delivery room helping me push.

7 lbs. 6 oz. 21 inches

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